Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Powder | Caltron Clays


Caltron’s Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Powder Food Grade tackles a wide range of harmful toxins entering the body, including:

  • Bacteria
  • Parasites
  • Fungi
  • Protozoa
  • Viruses (including poliovirus)
  • Endotoxins
  • Pesticide and drug residues
  • E-Coli
  • Heavy Metals (including methyl mercury)
  • Proteinaceous toxins produced by some intestinal infections

Many harmful substances entering the body possess a positive charge. Amorphous Food grade diatomaceous earth is a semi-conductive mineral that, when warmed by body heat, turns negatively charged and emits electrons. These negatively charged mineral ions and/or individual shells attract bad microbes, free radicals, positively charged waste, and other harmful substances. Functioning like magnets, the negatively charged shells and/or ions attract and absorb positive substances that are small enough to pass through the openings. Introduce a sugar molecule, and you can entrap toxins within the porous food-grade DE particle, which is then safely expelled from the body. Due to their robust charge, each shell can absorb a considerable number of positively charged substances, whether they are chemical or in the form of bacteria or viruses. They traverse the stomach and intestine, eliminating these harmful substances from the body.

When Diatomaceous Earth is ingested, it initiates its actions in three distinct ways:

  • As it traverses the stomach and digestive tract, Diatomaceous Earth attracts and absorbs bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses (including poliovirus), endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues, E-Coli, heavy metals (including methyl mercury), and protein—possibly even the proteinaceous toxins produced by certain intestinal infections. These toxins are captured and expelled from the body. Additionally, any larger parasites present in the stomach or digestive tract are “cut up” and neutralized by the sharp edges of the DE (while preserving the beneficial bacteria in the gut). These combined activities contribute to a healthier body with reduced susceptibility to illness. Many DE users report an improved sense of well-being, stemming from the removal of accumulated impurities and the boost given to the immune system.
  • A minor quantity of Diatomaceous Earth is absorbed into the bloodstream in the form of silica. One of the advantages of silica is its ability to combat unhealthy fats. On average, DE reduces cholesterol levels by 40-50 points. Numerous users have also reported a reduction in high blood pressure.
  • Diatomaceous Earth possesses significant hardness, scoring a 7 on the hardness scale, where diamonds are rated 9. This characteristic is crucial because, as the multitude of tiny, hard, and sharp DE cylinders traverse the small and large intestines, they effectively “scrub” the walls. Within just a few months of incorporating DE into the routine, the intestinal wall is devoid of mucus and molds, achieving a state of cleanliness. The benefits of this include:
    • 1) Regular bowel movements
    • 2)Healthier Colon. This becomes particularly crucial as we age. A clean and healthy colon helps prevent polyps, cancers, and ulcers. Presently, many individuals are investing significant sums for colonics to achieve similar effects as those provided by DE. Numerous users attest to heightened energy levels and reduced sleep requirements. This stems from the improved absorption of food and nutrients into the bloodstream. A coated colon often hinders the absorption of many essential nutrients.
  • A minor amount of Diatomaceous Earth is absorbed into the bloodstream in the form of silica. Silica’s beneficial aspect includes its ability to break down unhealthy fats. On average, DE reduces cholesterol levels by 40-50 points. Additionally, numerous users have reported a decline in high blood pressure.

The advantages of silica are numerous. Present-day grains suffer from a shortage of silica. In the past, our food contained sufficient silica, but due to contemporary hybrids and depleted soils, only about 1/3 of the required silica is provided in our food. DE offers a straightforward and cost-effective method to obtain the silica your body requires.

The consumption of silica through DE can benefit you in many ways:

  • Lower High Blood Pressure.
  • Lower Cholesterol Level – Most are reporting 40-50 points lower after only 2 weeks on DE
  • Relief from achy joints – Osteoporosis is a manifestation of the aging process. As the calcium levels in our body decrease, our bones become brittle and weak. Solely relying on a calcium supplement cannot address or prevent this alarming and debilitating condition because the body is unable to assimilate and utilize calcium without the presence of silica.
  • Improved skin health – Internationally, DE is widely employed as a health and beauty product for hair, skin, nails, bones, and joints. The aging process accelerates tissue degeneration, causing connective tissue to struggle with retaining moisture when not supported.
  • Hair Growth – Hair is nature’s most potent beauty enhancer, deserving of indulgence. At 90 micrograms per gram, hair is nearly as abundant in silica as healthy bones, which contain 100 micrograms per gram. Silica plays a crucial role in the composition of hair.
  • Teeth and Gums – Silica contributes to the fortification of enamel, preventing cavities and preserving teeth. It also serves as a preventive measure against issues like bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and recession, which can result in the loosening of teeth and potential tooth loss. Silica effectively combats ulceration and decay in both bones and teeth while also reducing inflammation.
  • Strengthens nails – The nail plates consist of intricate protein structures that typically grow four to five millimeters per month. Through silica supplementation, brittle nails can return to normal within a brief timeframe. Silica enhances the appearance of your nails, boosting their hardness, resulting in a shinier and less prone-to-breaking quality.

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